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For a long time I have joined many others in believing that humanity is entering into a time of consciousness change that will create a different way to see everything and to change our lives on every level of being.

Some call it the “100th Monkey Syndrome” while Freud called it “Group Consciousness”. It is believed that when a certain percentage of human beings think and act in a certain way, then the rest of society “flip” to being the same way.

It is said in Japan mid last Century, there were a group of five islands that housed monkeys which were monitored. The islands were separate. No monkey was ever transferred.

One day a young monkey went to the water to wash its custard apple. Have you ever felt a custard apple? A bit gritty. Anyhow this little monkey did that before eating it. Other monkeys who had no clue but watched, began to wash their fruit. One day, at the same time, ALL monkeys on ALL five islands began to wash their fruit. It may not have been exactly 100 but it was called the 100th Monkey Syndrome that, when it reaches a certain percentage, all “flip”.

It can be seen in the group consciousness of fish and birds, who all turn at the same time. It was seen in the UK last Century when a bird down south began to take the aluminium seal off milk bottles to get at the cream. More began to do that, and eventually it was seen that in Scotland one day, all the milk bottles had been “got at” by the birds. (I think crows but can’t remember exactly but I remember reading about it and thinking “how strange”.)

So I have thought that Australia holds a unique place for the flipping. We are surrounded by water and relatively isolated from the world (I include New Zealand in this too). We have had Indigenous Guardians here as the oldest continuous culture in the world. They have sung and walked their beliefs of Oneness into the country, which has not had bodies from wars and plagues buried in the earth as have so many other countries. The vibration of our land has been kept pretty pure. White man has probably only walked on five percent of the land. The rest is still vibrating in purity. A powerful force to work with, don’t you think?

There are so many other factors happening involving belief systems, Astrology, the Earth magnetics changing, spiritual beliefs and circumstances which push human beings to change. Major Religions around the world have all predicted this time although they have different names for it.

All of what is happening right now, I believe, is a chance of change for the better the likes of which have never been seen before. And when things change, those wishing to control and have power try to tighten their grip to keep things as they want it.

Australia seems to be a focal point of everyone watching what is happening here. We are the Petri dish. Exactly because of our isolation.

How it ends, well I have Faith and Hope. Change is inevitable.

The Spirit always shines forth as the Light of Truth Shatters all Shadows.

I knew a “flip” was coming. But never thought it would come the way that it has. However, if we look at the positive things being created, then there is hope for a better future if we get through the new broom sweeping clean.

And one thing I know from my own healing and being a healing facilitator. We don’t change because someone is sick of something for us. We only change when we are sick of it for ourselves and CHOOSE to change. THAT is what empowerment is about. CHOOSING how you live. CHOOSING how you die. CHOICE is such an amazing thing. And the more you understand and connect with Self, the more that Choice then becomes a true service to others around you as you shine by example and just live your life in Truth with Love and Compassion and Kindness as best you can.