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There is a saying that Evil will get its way when Good people say and do nothing. 

There are many who believe that now is the time that was prophesied in the Bible, told about in spiritual visions, and felt building for the past few decades in the Souls and Hearts of many.

Great visionary Baba Vanga, just before her death in 1996 at the age of 85, predicted that the year 2021 would be a year of cataclysms and large-scale violent events in the natural world.  “The world will suffer from cataclysms and great disasters.  The consciousness of the people will change.  Difficult times will come.  People will be divided by their faith.  These devastating events will change the fate and destiny of humanity,” she claimed.

Baba Vanga had a record of 85 percent of all prophesies coming true – including 2011 and Brexit.  Her prophesies were very clear and certainly nothing like those of Nostradamus which take a handful of interesting interpretations to twist them into happening in some cases.  And certainly many of my Christian friends are saying the “end of times” are here.

In Vanga’s most bizarre prediction for the year 2021, she said that a dragon will take over the planet.  “A strong dragon will seize humanity.  The three giants will unite.  Some people will have red money.”  Interpretations of this suggest the dragon is China and that the three giants will be China, Russia and India.   

Another who says that the world will be seized by a dragon is the Lady of Fatima, Our Sacred Mother Mary, who visited Fatima and gave three predications (the last of which was held closely by the church for more than 80 years).

Her last mentions the world being taken over by a Dragon – which is interpreted as evil.

We can all understand why “evil” seems to be pervading our lives.  There is no compassion or kindness in the measures Governments are taking with their people.  To save the dying?  But why allow those who are dying being held captive in isolation and denied relatives or friends to be with them in their final hours.  Who is being protected? Where is the compassion?  I won’t add all the other suffering happening every day which is not about the virus but have come from the measures taken.

There are plenty of arguments about “keeping others safe”.  At the cost of your own life?  Becoming martyrs to a cause that is actually being run by evil people?

I have been following the unfolding of this particular story for 30 years.  Nothing about it actually surprises me.  This is why I speak of it.  I don’t take it on board.  But I do believe that education, perspective, attitudes, knowledge and being open-minded are key ingredients to getting through this.

The other key ingredient?  Faith.  In bucket loads. 

I believe there is a chance for humanity to begin to do what is right.  We have succumbed to greed, arrogance, narcissistic rule, ego and fear.  This is our last stand in many respects.

We know in our hearts what is right, and I believe that the choices we make right now will have dire and lasting consequences not only for our lives now but for our souls.

So why are so many not “seeing” what is happening?

It is like a scam artist.  The reason they get away with it, is because they are so good at what they do.  Just like a sociopathic narcissist.  They KNOW exactly how to push buttons and get what they want.  They KNOW how to manipulate.   They know how to control.  It’s a game to them.  We call it “gaslighting”.

What if the whole world is under “gaslighting”?   And then to bolster up what is happening, the manipulations include dividing people so they are at each others’ throats?  Those not strong enough will succumb to the manipulations.  Just like in a bad relationship where a partner thinks “things will get better”.    And they are most surprised when they don’t get better at all, but worse.

Take away the “virus”.  And look at what is going on.  The games being played.

It is really hard to understand that perhaps on a Global Scale something is happening that we have no idea about.

But do think about it.

I know when someone has “done the dirty” on me in the past, I tried to understand how someone could do something PURPOSEFULLY to hurt me.  They did it with knowledge, intent and purpose.

Because I don’t think that way, I couldn’t understand how someone could do that.

And THAT is how they get away with it.

Because good people, who treat people with compassion, kindness, niceness, etc., have a conscience.  We probably also run to the premis “do unto others as you would have them to unto you.”

That is NOT something the sociopathic narcissists of the world use to rule.  They KNOW they can get away with it.

They stick together because that is strength.  They brag about what they do to others (not the victims but amongst their own “elite” peers) because they are egotistical enough to want people to know how wonderful they are.  (Possibly why a lot of the schedules of all this playing out have previously been able to be found but are now deleted as people began NOT to praise them, but to chastise them).

They have no conscience.  And that is why they get away with it.  Evil people do what they do because Good people would never do purposefully what they do, and can’t understand why they might.

At the last sighting of Our Lady at Fatima, she cried “Penance. Penance.”  She spoke of the dragon wrapping itself around the world.

She also said, “My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

We need to help.  It will only triumph when Good people reconnect to their Soul and in that way also connect to God.  Prayers work.  Let the Living Light enter your lives and fill your hearts and send it outwards.  Every day, every hour – as much as possible. 

Because the Light of Truth Shatters all Shadows.

And if we do nothing the dragon shall surely take over.