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When I was “running for Senate” and meeting all sorts of people, in all sorts of places, and hearing stories I otherwise would not have heard, it really hit me hard as to the fear and sadness and feeling of helplessness that so many in the community have during this “covid crisis”.

As someone who has followed natural therapies and seen natural miracles over a period of decades,  fought my own possibility of death, and become a more empowered person by taking responsibility for my body, I have also learned just how wonderful our body’s system is in fighting off anything by itself.

I watched my parents take one pill, only to have to take another pill as side-effects created problems.  Every time they came out of hospital they had more pills.  Original ones which may have caused the side-effects were never taken away, just more added on top of each other.  Goodness knows what that cocktail of different medications was actually doing.  And they never seemed to get better or get over any of their “problems”.

Which is why I have been very cautious about taking ANY medications, if I can possibly avoid it.  Particularly long-term medications. As a 60+ year old in Hospital, when I left, even the Hospital pharmacist couldn’t believe that I was on no medications, other that what was being prescribed for my ailment.  Several nurses asked before my discharge, before the chemist actually came to personally ask me what I was taking – as if I didn’t know the question.  It seemed unheard of that I was taking nothing, not even an occasional aspirin.

Therefore, I find it really interesting to my learning curve that I am now dependent on medications either for the rest of my life or until my body can regrow a body part (pancreas) which is missing and which produces insulin and enzymes for digestion.  I do believe it could happen, as I have seen such miracles during the past 30 years.  Whether that particular miracle will happen for me, only time will tell.  I am doing everything I can to facilitate that happening and do believe it is entirely possible.

While I have respect for the creation of some amazing medical miracles, I am still to see “cures” and not just “symptom managers” which seem to be the norm with prescriptions these days.  And which has given pharmaceutical companies amazing profits and power over the years.

Many years ago, I had a condition and when I looked at what it may have been caused by (it was a lack of a certain vitamin), I went to pharmacy and grabbed some very expensive multi-vitamin pills that included the element I believed I needed.  As I was leaving the store I saw, across from the pharmacy, a fruit and vegetable shop which had a sale on Walnuts.  It was something ridiculous like $1 a Kg.  So I bought 2 kilos and took them home.

Now Walnuts are not something I particularly like.  So, when I got home I wondered at that impulse and looked up my trusty “book of everything” and saw that Walnuts contained the exact vitamin that I was lacking.

I sat in meditation with a walnut in one hand and a “very expensive multi-vitamin pill” in the other, and asked to understand the difference between the two.

What came to me in my inner knowing was that the “very expensive multi-vitamin pill” was a man-made creation that was really only 99% of the pure vibration required and while it would help the symptoms, it was not quite strong enough to create a cure.  Whereas the Walnut, being natural, was 100% of the vibration needed to not only sort out the symptom, but would eventually lead me to fixing the problem and get to the core of the misalignment.

I ate the Walnuts, had some really interesting thoughts about my “condition” and haven’t had it return.

This experience which helped me to understand about vibration, energy, cells, cures, symptoms and a different perspective, also hit home to me about connecting to that part of me that actually “knows” stuff.  Not my mind, which only thinks it knows stuff, but that part that is deeper and really knows what is going on.  Call it Soul, Spirit or whatever.  But I KNOW there is a part of me, that when I listen to it, is absolutely right in the bigger picture of things and which, if I listen to it and act on it, always, ALWAYS leads me to the right place and consequences are always powerfully positive.

As a teacher of principles, I absolutely know that sometimes the hardest decision and path we choose, leads to an easier life.  Whereas, often, the easiest and simplest path or choice, can lead to obstacles and challenges and hardships.

That part of me that knows what I am here for, knows my purpose, knows my lessons, is the voice I need to listen to.  I have been doing this for almost 30 years, since my life changing experience.

I am used to swimming against the tide.  I am used to making decisions that I believe are right for me, even if it is not popular or what “everyone else” is doing. 

My heart at this time is appalled at what is going on.  I observe actions which are traumatizing to elderly and children, and everything in between.  I do understand the fear that people have.  I understand that this fear and lack of connecting to Soul (which supports, encourages, uplifts) is ruling many decisions being made.

These decisions are breaking up families, businesses, creating havoc and hardship in so many areas, and is merciless in what is happening.

There is so much sadness.  On so many levels.  As I see elderly (and others) die without having family with them.   I see carers and others severely distressed at the lack of compassion being shown.  I don’t see into homes where domestic violence has escalated.  I don’t see those who are suicidal and depressed, or anxious.  But I know they exist in ever increasing numbers.

For me?  I continue to hug privately and publicly.  I continue to breathe fresh air unencumbered.  I continue to walk my life without fear or worrying that I will get sick.

If I walked fearing that I would get sick, then I wouldn’t step outside, and unfortunately that is what a lot of people are doing.

Am I enjoying being a little more isolated than usual?  It doesn’t bother me. And I am lucky that I don’t have elderly or sick family to worry about.  I have enough sick friends (from other things) to send energy and love and healing thoughts and prayers to.  I keep occupied thinking about others.

 It is sad though that family, who really don’t understand me anyway, just write me off as a nutter.  And as one sibling recently said, “Grow up, shut up and get your jab.”

So sad.  I respect everyone’s right to say what they think.  I respect everyone’s right to do or not do.  Will I speak what is true for me?  Always.  Will I shut up just because someone doesn’t like what I say?  Never (although I will temper it with as much compassion and kindness as I can – and not always get that right!)  Will I allow a genetically-modifying, experimental technology into my body?  Never.

My choice.  My body.  My life.

I do understand that fear will not allow people to listen to rhetoric that doesn’t fit their established beliefs.  I also understand that even if they get a jab and then perhaps feel they don’t want to continue with the process, that their fear will put them in line for more, regardless of what happens.  And I certainly understand that they are the last ones that probably believe their decisions are coming from a fear base.

Right now, is a time when our choices and decisions will have a huge personal consequence.

Am I wrong or right?  I don’t know.  Only time will tell.

But I do know that right at this time, I am making a choice that is right for me.

And I pray that all beings find their peace within and connect to that part of them that will truly lead them through the challenges ahead with courage, certainty and well-being.