When I began my adventure into Pensionhood in October 2020, it dawned on me that I couldn’t do “nothing” for the next 30 years with all the accumulated skills I had collected over decades of different jobs, arenas of interest, travels and endeavours. So I decided to run for a Federal Seat representing Queensland. As an ordinary person with lots of skills and experiences, a history of making changed in whatever I have done, and an energy which belies my “age”, I was filled with energy and knew it was exactly what I had to do at that time. Particularly since all my life I had worked for the underdog, been an initiator of new concepts, and steadfastly walked against the tide of what everyone else did in favour of what I felt was right action.
I changed my name 24 years ago and made a vow that I would live the best life I could of the highest principles, pursue my highest potential, tell the truth and be as honest in my life every moment of my day as I can and importantly, I vowed to be of service to my community and humanity. I take this vow seriously. And every time I am called by my name I am reminded of that vow.
Let me be of service I asked. Help me to shine the Light in Canberra and bring back morals, ethics, compassion and kindness in the halls of Parliament.
My experience is vast – Police Officer in SA, Reserve Army in Signals, United Nations Safety and Security Officer in Vienna; Secretariat of Policy Marking for International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna; Bar maid in Lightning Ridge; Medical Secretary; Queensland’s first professional females Sports Journalist (and activist on women’s and disabled sport equity issues); Journalist for Dept Education, Employment and Training; Youth Access Worker under the old CES: piloted to success the Job Placement and Employment Training Scheme for Abused and Homeless Teens; Fraud Investigator for Insurance; CEO of Firearms Safety Foundation lobbying State and Federal Govts on firearms issues; Australian representative for 18 years in Pistol shooting and Olympic Games finalist in 1992; International Airport Screening and Security officer; Massage therapist, Traditional Reiki Master and practitioner; Meditation practitioner and teacher; Funeral director; Author. All this is just a small snapshot of my rather full background. I have lived in different cultures, travelled overseas extensively, been married and divorced, lost everything, struggled on Jobseeker for years, been rejected from jobs because of age, been discriminated against because of being a female, and been able to discover spirituality through studying various religions and beliefs as part of communities, churches or spiritual temples.
I was looking at going in politics not to talk or play politics. I wanted to roll up my sleeves, see a problem and work towards fixing it. There are so many issues I feel passionately about and I know others in politics do as well. And I felt I could happily support something which is ethical and right action for the normal battler. As someone who has struggled under Jobseeker for years, I have felt “invisible”. Women over 50 seem to blend into nothing all of a sudden. Even if you have great skills we are undervalued. The fact that the fastest demographic in Australia for homelessness is women over 50 is downright obscene. I would have been one if I hadn’t gone to live in a regional area. Pensioners who can’t afford warmth in winter or coolness in summer, or food or medications – this is so wrong. While politicians retire in financial security and have no clue of the hardships being lived by our elders.
I care that young children are being abused and continually returned to homes that created that trauma. Where are the Case Managers who used to know the circumstances of our vulnerable and work with them until a settlement could be achieved? Our Govt services are faceless and inadequate. Decisions are made on paper statistics. There is just not enough face to face to face and personalised services being given. It has happened to me numerous times. One small problem means a person may have many visits to Centrelink and hours and hours of phone maze with no solutions any closer and never the same person spoken to. A sense of depression hopelessness and anger then pervade society. I used to be a Case Manager. We got to know our client and could guide them and support them until their solutions were sorted out. Win win.
Many are being created in manufacturing and building as if the men are the family providers as they used to be. But anyone researching can see a huge percentage of single mums being Mums and Dads, providers and nurturers, and many with very little support from the working males. Where are the office jobs or training for females? What about the mature Jobseekers? Can’t we use them as consultants to youth? Give everyone some dignity. Use the skills that they used to build this country instead of throwing valuable people onto a scrap heap of depression, listlessness, futility and ill health
We know better. Let us help service people who have PTSD before they become suicidal and depressed, and damaging to themselves and others. Let’s help the youngsters who are traumatised and support them and if necessary move them away from abusive units who lose their right to parent. There are many wonderful people wanting to give young children a chance. Let’s sort out our adoption policies? And let’s be more intense in our scrutiny of those who step forward to Foster children. Let’s make it easier for Australians to support other Australians.
These issues are only a drop in the ocean. Other things I am against are not only foreign ownership, but foreign influence. The tendering process must be in favour of Australian companies before overseas interests – always. Let’s look at complementary and natural therapies with a bit more respect. I am a miracle in action because of the mix of orthodox and natural medicine. I have been given a second chance which I don’t want to waste.
There are issues of climate, environment, land management, education, Elderly care. My goodness so many things.
We have been putting bandaids on systems which are now crumbling and we need to create new systems with solid bases. We KNOW better. We can DO better. Let’s use Government money more wisely instead of paying people who are only out to line their own pockets and that of shareholders.
All the above was my political dream. But, after six months of full on travelling, talking to people, researching subjects, planning a campaign with no money, the energy left me at Easter 2021.
For a little while I was feeling in limbo. No energy came to my thoughts of politics at all. And during my meditative contemplations the message came that there were others who were willing, younger and had backing who would do what I had been willing to do, and that I had to go back to writing.
I know absolutely that my six months of “Senatorial aspiration” were exactly what I needed to meet people I otherwise would not have met, go places I otherwise would not have visited and learn about things I would not otherwise have dealt with. I am absolutely a better person in so many ways because of those six months.
Decades of listening to my inner guidance now leads me to having this beautiful website, and again being inspired to write. I will write a sequel to “When the Student is Ready” and it will be called “The Teachings Will Appear”. I have already begun my book “From Guns to Gurus” which I hope will inspire that everyone can change. The world can change from anger to peace. It starts with each person. It has begun with me.